ChatGPT has introduced a new way to connect—via phone! You can now speak with ChatGPT by calling 1-800-ChatGPT. This feature will undoubtedly be a game-changer for many, particularly those who prefer phone-based interaction.

However, there’s an important limitation to note:

You can talk to 1-800-ChatGPT for up to 15 minutes per month.

While this time limit may be sufficient for casual users who want to try the service, it is highly restrictive for individuals who could benefit the most—such as those who rely on landlines or lack access to other devices. At the time of writing this, there is no option to extend or upgrade to additional minutes. So, is there a way to bypass this limit?


This may be against OpenAI or Twillio’s policies. We don’t endorse or conndone anything. This is for educational and research purposes.

Let’s get into this

First, sign up for Twillio and purchase a phone number. There are many resources online to get you started with that. Let’s write some code now!

This will be a simple Python script. Make a file named and add dependencies:

uv init --script
uv add --script twilio aiohttp[speedups]

Import the necessary libraries:

from aiohttp import web
from twilio.twiml.voice_response import VoiceResponse

A Twillio voice call server is basically a web server:

app = web.Application()
routes = web.RouteTableDef()

Create a route to handle voice calls:"/incoming_call")
async def on_phone_call(request: web.Request):
    form_data = await
    twillio_num = form_data.get("To")
    response = VoiceResponse()
    response.say("Connecting to ChatGPT Now")
    response.dial("+18002428478", caller_id=twillio_num)
    return web.Response(body=str(response), content_type="application/xml")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Now our script is ready and working. You can run uv run to start the server. In your Twilio settings, make sure to set the voice url to your server url. Now, call your Twillio number and it will connect you to ChatGPT. This uses your Twilio phone number to call ChatGPT instead of your own number.

Each Twilio phone number has a monthly limit of 15 minutes. If you want to make more calls, you can buy more phone numbers from Twillio.

Happy hacking!